Sunday, July 23, 2017

Back from the dead

Let's get the elephant out of the room first, I am so sorry I left this blog in the dust for almost a year. Truth be told the beginning of the year had very little interesting to talk about as I was only occupied with my job. I'm pretty sure that's common for anybody who has finished college (or community college in my case). There were several other issues I ran into that I would prefer not to bring up.

But let's get onto to the fun stuff!

The biggest one to bring up is that I'm going to Las Vegas tomorrow! First time ever too. I'm meeting my best friend and her family there at the airport. I'll also post pictures and video I'm taking on my Instagram and there will be some pictures posted later on too.

Second is FusionFall Retro! I might have brought up the Cartoon Network game before, but the long awaited project created by a group of fans meant to capture what the original game is like is set to be released August 1st! Watch the trailer here:

Third is South Park: Fractured But Whole! After being delayed for many months it's officially scheduled to be released October 17th. I'm behind on my Stick of Truth gameplay, but I promise to get that done before I play Fractured But Whole. And yes, I'm doing a gameplay on FusionFall Retro too! Here is a trailer for that game:

Finally, there have been a lot of new shows I've been into lately, but the two I'll talk about are Rick And Morty and Star vs. The Forces of Evil. Their third seasons are both coming out this year, the former is July 30th and the latter is in November. I'm behind a few episodes of Rick And Morty, but I'll catch up on that while in Vegas (kind of fitting if you think about it).

And yes, I have seen Battle For Mewni. If you like Star vs. go see it as soon as you can!

I haven't been this excited for so many things coming out in a long time. I'd go as far as to say it's been years since I've experienced this hype.

Sorry if this is brief, just wanted to touch base again, and get a feel for blogging. I gotta get packing for my flight tomorrow.

- Alanna